so glad you're okay, susan.

wishing you ease during this renovation.

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Thank you

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I am thankful you are okay and wish you well. The cookies all look delicious!

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Thank you!

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Oh gosh, Susan I’m so sorry somehow I completely missed this. I hope by now you are on the other side of a recovery and a lovely holiday. Maybe the rental will feel like a nice mental vacation. And then the meantime, thank you for the reminder about all of these glorious cookies. Sending my love. Xx

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Haha and I missed your comment! We need a a catch up!

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Oh, my goodness. I just read this. So sorry about the fire, water damage, and disruption. You will be quite busy in the new year dealing with it all. Wishing it goes as smoothly as it can.

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Thank you!

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I’m so sorry to hear about the fire, but grateful no one was hurt and that you didn’t lose anything precious to you.

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Thank you. We are going to be fine!

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sorry about the fire! I’m glad everyone is safe. What a cookie roundup! They all look delicious

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Thanks Lexi. We were very fortunate.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you and your house! I'll console my cookie self with some of the recipes I didn't get to the last couple years. Hope you can find some peaceful moments during the holidays given all the upheaval. Best wishes!

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Goodness. I'm glad you're okay. Shaken, I'm sure. But gonna be okay.

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Yup. Thank you.

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I am so glad that you are safe and that the damage was relatively minimal. I experienced a house fire in mid-November and the damage was more widespread, but, in between the bouts of stress, it has renewed my gratitude for my life and everyone and everything in it.

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Same. It has been really stressful but also life-changing. I'm glad you're OK too. The damage is fairly extensive in our house. Amazing what water damage alone can do.

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Sorry, my apologies, I somehow missed the part about the water damage. I'm really sorry that this all happened to you. Sending you much support.

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Wow! As we are fortunate enough to say when faced with daunting experiences ,”It could be worse!” Fig and almond biscotti are underway so thanks for this new roundup. Wish I had posted how fabulous the turkey thigh braise was at Thanksgiving. It really was. Thank you so much for all the good things you provide, and the steady, onward perspective you maintain.

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Aw, Leslie, I really appreciate your words!

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Glad to hear you are safe and well. Thank you for your wonderful recipes throughout the year. Looking forward to 2025.

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So thankful you are safe. Kudos for your great attitude of gratitude. Wishing you all the best during the renovation and holidays!

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Thank you so much! One has to look for silver linings.

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In case anyone wants to use Feuilltine, Kalustyan’s sells it

123 Lexington Ave NYC or foodsofnations.com

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Good to know, thanks Dona!

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Hope all your house renovations/restorations go smoothly and you’re back soon doing what you love in the kitchen.

Thanks as always for so many wonderful recipes......I’ll be making the pecan shortbreads this weekend. They were a favorite last year!

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Thanks Maureen!

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Very grateful you are ok if a little hassled right before the holiday! Here’s to a smooth renovation with no bumps along the way. Thanks for a wonderful cookie roundup! Can’t wait to get started, especially with the shortbread.

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Thank you! Hope you love them!

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sorry to hear about the fire...and glad you were awake (and glad you're okay...) - yikes!!

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Thanks David- Yikes is right! We are definitely not coming to Paris!

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