The Great Big Cookie Guide
All of my best baking and packing tips in one place (plus the recipe for my Triple-Ginger Chocolate Chunk Cookies!)
Cookie Mania is off to a strong start this year, and I’m happy to add to the fun with a few examples of my take on holiday cookies (a new recipe is coming on Friday!). The more I develop recipes for cookies, the more I think about the qualities that I look for in a good cookie and why we all love them so much.
They are the perfect little package; beautiful, tempting, and delicious all in one (or a few) bite(s).
The barriers to starting a recipe are low: most recipes can be started spontaneously if you keep a fairly well-stocked baking pantry or after a quick trip to the grocery store.
They are fun to make, and a great way to get kids involved in the kitchen.
There is just something delightful about pulling a batch of warm, fresh cookies from the oven.
I strive for maximum flavor in my cookies, while keeping the sugar levels in check.
I strive to create easy but impactful designs that bring color and sparkle in as much as possible.
There’s no better gift than a tin or box of homemade cookies (as I’m known for saying!). I truly believe this, and started baking and giving elaborate tins when I was in my early twenties.
Before I share more recipes, I wanted to compile all my tips and tools for cookie baking and gifting success. So here it is: The Great Big Cookie Guide.